Harbour and Vessel Cleaning Services

Vision Mission and Promise
Vision Mission and Promise

EnviroServ offers holistic waste management services to the maritime industry. Upstream activities in the oil and gas industry require cleaning of drill rigs and supply ships at port. 

EnviroServ provides a broad spectrum of waste management services and can quote on the full scope of work required, reducing the number of service providers required. Our comprehensive range of ship tank cleaning services includes the following waste types:

Waste from shipping, including Quayside Maintenance:

  • Spent oil and lubricants
  • Paint, solvents and waste detergents
  • Waste from ship maintenance activities
  • Galley waste
  • Sweepings from hatches and engine rooms
  • Slops from holds and tanks
  • Spilt cargo
  • Ballast water
  • General domestic waste
  • Health Care Risk Waste (HCRW)/medical waste
  • Spent batteries

Waste from the Dry and Floating Docks:

  • Paint and shot grit
  • Waste metal and wood
  • Oil contaminated mechanical parts

Waste from Terminal Operators and Tenants:

  • Spilt and waste cargo
  • Lading storage tanks


  • Peace of mind that work is being conducted by competent people with minimum delays.
  • Ability to deliver services outside of South African borders.
  • EnviroServ can provide many of the ancillary services around tank cleaning like industrial vacuuming and disposal of waste residues.
  • Choose and apply the right equipment suited to each type of job.
  • We often have extensive experience relating to the work required and can advise clients on the best approach.
  • Our specialists will quote on work including all safety and occupational health requirements.
  • We have extensive experience meeting SHEQ requirements including that of the many multinationals we serve, with Safety and Health plans prepared ahead of any complex work.

Vessel Services
Vessel Services

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