Spiralling costs for steel production have seen the industry become one of the best recyclers of raw and finished products - upwards of 90% of steel manufactured today has some recycled component.
As a result, waste management has become more streamlined, with waste diverted from landfill and a reduction of effluent and dust to the environment.
EnviroServ’s waste management innovations are focused on keeping costs down by lowering consumption of raw materials and, where possible, eliminating the cost of handling and disposal.
This includes initiatives focused on minimising the generation of dust through improved processes and material handling and the adoption of clean technologies. EnviroServ has established a network of recyclers capable of reusing the metal by-product in their processes or to export the waste to metal refiners overseas to generate a revenue generating by-product.
This requires a specialist approach, steeped in knowledge of markets and environmental trends. With more than 40 years of helping the metallurgical industry manage its waste, we have expertise, based on our deep experience across multiple industries in multiple geographies. We are also innovators by nature, creating unique solutions for individual customers.
We know that a flexible approach keeps your options open, especially as compliance becomes more complex. We can help you tailor a combination of waste management options that will suit your budget, operations and reputational needs. You could also choose to outsource all your waste management to us, improving your bottom line through our economies of scale and specialisations which will enable you to cut costs, improve efficiencies, and transform what is currently a cost centre for you into a strategic contributor to the business.
If you would like to find out about options for your organisation, please contact our Customer Care Line on 0800 192 783 for South African enquiries and click here for the contact details for enquiries across Sub-Saharan Africa.
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