The wastes produced by petrochemical production processes are mostly hazardous and a high level of expertise is thus required for appropriate, environmentally conscious management.
With legislation continuously changing to take account of new waste management approaches triggered by new technologies and new ways of thinking about reuse and recycling, EnviroServ can guide petrochemical organisations on how best to integrate waste management and environmental practices to give both the planet and the organisation the best possible options.
Taking care of the varied waste management activities needed to ensure that a petrochemical company is both profitable and a benefactor of the planet can be onerous when done in-house. By the same token, the other option of handing all or part of such immense responsibility to an external waste management provider means being able to trust that the provider has the experience, the equipment, the innovation capacities, and the integrity to treat your waste as their own.
Track record is key, and EnviroServ has been helping petrochemical companies stay current and compliant with waste management for more than 40 years, using a range of products and services to do so.
If you would like to find out about options for your organisation, please contact our Customer Care Line on 0800 192 783 for South African enquiries and click here for the contact details for enquiries across Sub-Saharan Africa.
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