Waste treatment and disposal at Gansbaai landfill

Vision Mission and Promise
Vision Mission and Promise


As a company whose waste management strategy includes diverting waste from landfill, EnviroServ has many initiatives which ensure the reuse, recycling and reduction of waste. These options are not always practical, and traditional disposal at a landfill which complies with legislation may be a better option. 

EnviroServ has expertise in designing, constructing, operating and managing technologically advanced waste treatment and disposal facilities meeting the strictest standards for safe and environmentally responsible waste management. The PPP Contract sees EnviroServ managing the Gansbaai GSB+ (nonhazardous waste) landfill site. In addition, EnviroServ takes the responsibility for the wood chipping from the area, as well as managing the Material Recovery Facility and Drop-Off Facilities on Pearly and Stanford beaches.


The operation on the landfill site and facilities needed to ensure communities were unaffected, and at the same  time meet the Minimum Requirements for Landfill Management as prescribed by the South African Department of Water Affairs and Forestry  while remaining compliant to industry standards and regulations.


EnviroServ approached the operation of the landfill site, materials recovery and drop off facilities holistically, ensuring the correct staff compliment was in place, the correct equipment was being used and operational plan involved all the engineering practices to create an operation that met stringent compliance. The landfill process involved waste tipping at the working face, waste spreading in layers of 300 - 500mm, shredding and compaction and daily waste covering to reduce wind scatter and promotenatural decomposition processes. 

In addition to these processes, Gansbaai landfill required tailor-made solutions to the area’s unique needs and requirements. As separate areas for the burial of dead animals is not practical at the site, this waste is rather off-loaded at the toe of the working face in a trench and covered immediately with general waste. The ramp method is implemented on site.   

As volumes of builder’s rubble or cover material are of critical importance on the site, EnviroServ raised the cell height to an average of 1.5 to 2.5m to save volumes needed. The cells were constructed in such a way as to maximise water run-off. The materials recovery facility and drop off site work in synergy with the landfill site. Materials are sorted and packaged at the facilities and any item that cannot be recovered or recycled is sent to landfill. These facilities play an important role in reducing volumes of waste sent to landfill. Additionally, chipping for the area is done at the landfill site as well as at the drop-off site, where it is used as cover material together with the available sand



Worldwide environmental waste handling and disposal legislation and standards are becoming more stringent. EnviroServ’s objective is to provide a facility that will comply with all these standards. Our technical expertise and experience in this field results in the disposal of general waste in a cost effective, responsible and environmentally sustainable manner.

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