2023 / 06 / 20
On Friday 16 June 2023, Etwatwa Ward 109’s economic development sector hosted a public market day to showcase some of the products and services which can be procured within the bustling township. No less than 12 businesses within the Ward marketed their services to over 300 people who attended.
Farmers who produce vegetables, tyre sellers, paint manufacturers, brake pads manufacturers, tombstone manufacturers, clothing designers, travel agencies, shoe makers, and bakeries were some of the entities showcasing their products and services.
EnviroServ was part of the day’s activities, with Public Affairs Manager Makgabo van Niekerk sharing with community members how EnviroServ has been part of local economic development for years. She touched on the company’s socio-economic development as well as enterprise development programmes and their impact on the wellbeing of societies. EnviroServ’s Enterprise Development programme was most apt for the day. Community members were further educated on how to write a convincing proposal and the correct channels through which registered entities can submit these proposals to EnviroServ.
Attendees included Ward Councillors, Ward Committee members, established business people with origins in Etwatwa, national and provincial parliamentarians and community members. Event organiser, Pastor Fenyane urged all business owners to master business skills, and to never give up. He encouraged collaboration and an exchange of ideas among businesses, with the dream of growing the township economy and showcasing black excellence.
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