Dealing with disposal of expired chemicals and pesticides

Dealing with disposal of expired chemicals and pesticides

2023 / 05 / 30

Management of pesticide waste is a global problem, and disposal of these substances, used to kill, repel, or control forms of plant or animal life considered to be pests, is legislated.

EnviroServ_Oatway_146ab Highest Standards

EnviroServ Waste Management provides compliant solutions to waste generators for the responsible management of expired chemical and pesticide waste.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations defines obsolete pesticides as all pesticide products not in current use because they have been banned, deteriorated or are damaged, passed their expiration date, cannot be used for any other reason or are not wanted by the current owner.

In 2013, three sets of waste management regulations were promulgated under the National Environmental Management: Waste Act No. 59 of 2008. One of these, the National Norms and Standards for Disposal of Waste to Landfill (GNR.636), contain various prohibitions regarding the types of waste that may be disposed of to landfill. The Norms and Standards prohibit the disposal of various types of waste within specified times. In 2017 the prohibition, banning the disposal of “other pesticide waste” came into force.

“In terms of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008, a person commits an offence if that person contravenes or fails to comply with a norm or standard established in terms of this Act,” said Mahmood Patel, EnviroServ’s National Laboratory Manager. A person convicted of an offence is liable to a fine or to imprisonment in terms of the National Environmental Management Waste Act.

 “Chemicals need to be managed according to their individual hazard and risk. EnviroServ has a SANAS accredited laboratory for waste classification and assessment of waste for disposal to landfill.  Illegal dumping and disposal of empty chemical and pesticide containers can have environmental impacts by polluting our country’s waters (including ground water, streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, etc.), damaging our soil quality, affecting our air quality from open burning activities and negatively affecting wildlife.

“Speak to a trusted waste management company like EnviroServ who can advise on alternative solutions to landfill for pesticide waste,” Patel said.



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