2023 / 02 / 09
from left. Mr. Nkambule (Wetland Practitioner), Mr. Ndlamlenze (Educator form Quantum Senior Secondary School), Mr. Kopayi (EWM Partners invited in the day’s activities included EnviroServ, government departments such as GDARD , local community stakeholders including Ward Councillor, Cllr Madihlaba and 3 local schools (Quantum Senior Secondary School, Sazakhele Primary school and W.J.
Mpengesi Primary school). The motto for the day was “IT IS TIME FOR WETLAND RESTORATION. Three local schools formed part of the celebration. The schools are.
On the day, the Blesbokspruit Wetland was cleaned. The Etwatwa Green Team educated the community about the importance of wetlands and how to protect them. They reiterated that in the last 50 years, more than 35% of natural wetlands were lost.
Prominent political leaders attended this informative and inspiring event. Different representatives from different entities made presentations about their departments or companies. Everyone expressed their gratitude to EnviroServ for attending the event. Furthermore, they thanked the company for its role in empowering the different communities.
By; Lindeka Ntuli
Public Affairs Officer
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