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EnviroServ can provide support with remediation projects that include removal of contaminated soil as a waste and transport of this material to a compliant landfill site where any required treatment is applied prior to disposal.
Contaminated land
Hazardous materials, oil or waste can contaminate land and may involve topsoil or subsurface soils that may potentially affect surface or subsurface water (groundwater).
These polluting substances can be released during current site activities or may be the result of historic activities performed on a site. If land has any substance present at concentrations in excess of natural background concentrations that have a potential to cause harm to human health or the environment, it is considered contaminated according to Part 8 of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, (no. 59 of 2008).
The Act requires that a person inform the Minister and MEC of contamination as soon as they become aware of it, to ensure it can be managed to avoid the risk to human health and the environment. Remediation of the contaminated land may be required to reduce the level of contamination while preventing exposure to animals and humans.
EnviroServ’s SANAS 17025 accredited laboratory can assist with analysis of potentially contaminated land to advise you on the pollutants identified and the level of contamination, as well as provide supporting documents for remediation plans to be submitted to the Department of Environmental Affairs.
EnviroServ can provide support with remediation projects that include removal of contaminated soil as a waste and transport of this material to a compliant landfill site where any required treatment is applied prior to disposal.
Bio remediation of land contaminated with hydrocarbon pollutants rather than removal of the contaminated soil as a waste is often an option that can be pursued after suitable investigation.
Waste stockpiles
There is often a misconception surrounding waste stockpiles and many customers are unaware that a waste stockpile is inherently the accumulation and storage of waste and is an acknowledged waste management activity under the Waste Act (No. 59 of 2008). Depending on the volume and type of waste being stored (stockpiled) and or the size of the storage facility, such waste storage must be managed according to the National Norms and Standards for the Storage of Waste (GN 926 of 29 November 2013).
EnviroServ can assist in the:
Benefits of working with EnviroServ
EnviroServ provides cost-effective removal and disposal option to a suitable landfill when other waste management options are neither feasible nor cost effective. We support a holistic approach to waste management that critically looks at the well-known waste hierarchical approach, balanced against alternatives that are cost effective and legally compliant. Customers are advised on, and given an opportunity to choose the most suitable solution for their specific needs.
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