2021 / 09 / 13

When it comes to keeping businesses compliant in the wake of unforeseen incidents, anything from chemical spills and pollution related incidents to minor industrial spills, calamities such as industrial fires, and breaches of storage vessels and dams, EnviroServ has the expertise to assist.

EnviroServ has successfully handled clean-ups of chemical spills and pollution related incidents for decades, offering comprehensive, peace-of-mind solutions for environmental protection across sub-Saharan Africa. 

The company provides effective and safe post incident management of these spills where highly specialised skills, resources and abilities are required.



The containment phase is the most critical of incident management of hazardous material/waste spills, necessary to prevent environmental pollution and possible loss of life. EnviroServ provides clients with spill kits and training on the use the spill kit in the event of a small spill. These can assist during the initial phase, to mitigate a larger clean-up and long-term remediation having to be effected later; and consequently a larger demand on resources and considerably higher cost.


A support service is offered for clean-ups, hazardous material spillage containment and on-site surface and soil remediation. EnviroServ’s technicians have the expertise and skills to do high-risk work associated with the cleaning of premises and the management of waste after industrial fires, especially where hazardous chemicals were involved. The safe resolutions of these incidents require three distinct phases: containment, clean-up and long-term remediation.


The clean-up phase is in essence gross product removal from the exposed areas. During this phase the threat to life and property should be greatly reduced, provided product removal is done speedily. Clean-up procedures may include vacuuming or pumping of loose products, repacking of compromised vessels, manual collection of contaminated materials, product skimming from water bodies, utilisation of earthmoving plant to collect contaminated soil, or large vacuum or pump plant to move sludge and liquids. Activities can include supplementary containment, gross in-situ chemical treatment before collection, demolition and in-situ decontamination.

We offer a detailed assessment of the risks around all operations with hazardous materials, as well as implementation of plans including the instalment of first line response equipment. Projects are costed and detailed planning is done on acceptance of the quotation. We provide decontamination and on-site industrial cleaning services such as installation of absorbent booms, over-drumming of compromised vessels/drums, product containment and recovery, skimming oil from water bodies and in-situ bio-remediation when hydrocarbons are involved. Should you require assistance with product transfer, high pressure washing of contaminated surfaces and vessels, bulk material handling including collection and transport of bulk solid and liquid volumes, EnviroServ is ideally positioned to assist.


The staff are highly trained in hazchem including handling of hazardous substances, confined space entry and working at heights procedures to ensure compliance to legal requirements. We have a clear understanding of the risks associated with specific hazardous materials and do careful contingency planning for each identified risk.

EnviroServ offers peace of mind through understanding and careful risk management, with clear established output levels.

Our services are cradle-to-grave, meaning EnviroServ will perform all activities associated with a project’s life cycle from the moment of taking responsibility for a spill clean-up onwards. Responsibilities include collection, transport and safe disposal.



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