2020 / 08 / 20
The Holfontein community adjacent to the Holfontein landfill site has always been a reminder of how much work our government still has to do to address societal imbalances.
In addition, it’s challenged us as a private organisation to look at ourselves and the role we could be playing as a good neighbour.
Furthermore, community leaders’ responsibilities have been thrust into the spotlight.
In 2018, after extensive engagements with local community stakeholders, EnviroServ partnered with Food Gardens for Africa, and 20 Holfontein residents including community leaders were taken through training on vegetable farming paid for by the company.
Additionally, EnviroServ provided all resources required to start a community garden including a one hectare piece of land. The garden was fenced. Other supplies to the garden included tools, manure, compost, a variety of seeds, insect protection sheet and a jojo tank in order for the community garden to easily access water. Site management at Holfontein constantly assist with water.
In 2018 and 2019, community members were selling their produce to big shops in communities close by.
2020 however , has meant that selling the vegetables couldn’t happen . Community leader, Mandla Khebesi, decided that with almost all community members unemployed, the unemployed community members had to be prioritised. It was decided that the best way to deal with harvested vegetables would be to give them to families without warm plate of food on the table.
A decision was made to plant mostly potatoes which would be then shared with families without food. Potatoes are packed with vitamins and minerals that help support the body, boost the immune system and improve energy levels. Potatoes are a great vegetable that can be made in a variety of ways, so whether the Holfontein community members feel like chips, roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, potato salad, or baked potatoes, they can make that decision for themselves.
The Holfontein community leaders have hustled for their constituencies and that is admirable.
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