EnviroServ’s accredited state of the art Meadowdale laboratory was established in the early 1990s and was the first waste analytical laboratory in South Africa to receive SANAS accreditation. The laboratory is accredited according to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard for waste analyses and offers expert advice with regard to testing and handling of hazardous waste materials and is able to assist in the analysis and classification of waste in accordance with the United Nations Globally Harmonised System of Classification (GHS) as contained in SANS 10234 and mandated by the National Environmental Management Waste Act (NEMWA No 59 of 2008) and the associated Waste Regulations with its prescribed Norms and Standards
The Waste Regulations guarantee that waste is adequately classified and categorised, and the associated risks of the waste are assessed for the safe transportation, handling, storage and disposal of the waste. Detailed information on a customer’s waste streams is essential for adequate prioritisation and management of waste.
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