Whether you need a sump de-sludged or a permanent on-site industrial cleaning service, this specialised business unit of EnviroServ provides industrial cleaning services to both large and small clients. Safety and environmental peace of mind are primary concerns. Our technicians are qualified in closed tank entry, fire-fighting and first aid. We draw up comprehensive Health and Safety Plans including risk assessments for all proposed activities, which are signed off before any work commences. Where work is required as part of a planned shutdown or maintenance cycle, we ensure that all activities are aligned to the client’s timing requirements and coordinated with other contractors who may be conducting work in the same area.
Disposal of waste residue
Any waste that requires disposal as part of the industrial cleaning activities will be assessed and classified according to the waste regulations. We have our own accredited laboratory which performs the necessary chemical analysis that form part of the assessment and classification process. This provides a more cost-effective classification service to our clients and ensures quick turnaround times. Before any waste is disposed of, it is assessed to see if any or all the material can be recovered, recycled or re-used. Full traceability is provided to ensure that you have peace of mind that all waste is being treated and/or disposed of using compliant operators.
We provide peace of mind that the customer’s cradle-to-grave environmental responsibilities are in the best possible hands with the necessary paperwork provided on invoicing for record keeping purposes.
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